Seriki Celebrates Wife’s Birthday

Celebrant, Mrs. Seriki Morufat Adewunmi

The Honourable Commissioner representing Epe Division at the Lagos State Local Government Service Commission, Hon. Ahmed Seriki has eulogized his beautiful wife, Morufat Seriki in his birthday message to celebrate her new age.

In a message on his WhatsApp status, Hon. Seriki wrote, “Wishing the world’s best wife, ‘ayami Adewunmi Morufat Abeni Seriki’ a wonderful birthday. You deserve everything your heart desires. You brighten my life and we’re so blessed to have you as my forever companion. No matter what life throws our way, I know I can get through it with you”.

The President of Club’97 of Epe Division, a divisional group of Local Government workers, Mr. Okeowo Ishaq Adeshina (FCA) on behalf of the exco and members also wished the celebrant a prosperous returns in good health. He congratulated the Hon. Commissioner and prayed God continuously bless their home.

We at equally wish the celebrant, happy birthday. May her new age mark the beginning of greater heights in her life.

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